Author Archives: Tim

The House of Israel as The Prodigal Son

After King Solomon died, Israel split into two separate countries with their own Kings. This was the beginning of God’s promise to make of Israel, many nations. So there were then two nations. The one who stayed home was the … Continue reading

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The Placing of Sons

Saw a post today that said, “We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasures.”, Ryle. This is very true. Here is some simple digging. The word adoption as we know it is not found in the new … Continue reading

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Judeo-Christian and Christian-Zionist are Oxymorons.

Judaism – A religion built on destroying God’s morality, God’s Law, and Christianity. The Talmud is their “bible”. They do not follow the old testament. It is the written goal of Judaism to destroy Christianity and all Christians. Jewish statements … Continue reading

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Farmer Parables that Missionaries Don’t Get

Matthew 13 is a collection of information about the Kingdom of God. It is related in parables. For example we are told about planting seeds and what happens when they grow in different types of soil. Any farmer will tell … Continue reading

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Prepping with the Word of God

The Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 teaches us that about half of all the brides, biblical Christians, are not going to be ready for the return of the bridegroom, Christ. Their oil, or wisdom of the bible … Continue reading

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No Two Plans of Salvation

A police officer is about to give you a speeding ticket, but he tears it up. He just gave you a form of Grace. Could he have done that if there was no law about speeding? There are some who … Continue reading

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The Details about Marriage and Divorce

The Word of God in the Hebrew and Greek does not leave one confused or to guess. God’s Law is simple and righteous. This is the what about part I usually leave for people to study out for themselves. The … Continue reading

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Evil is Being Flaunted

Those who hate Christ most in the world have made this a pride month Most of it is Jewish and is supported in their bible, The Talmud. The Talmud was ruled pornographic a very long time ago. You know back … Continue reading

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Tricks of the Enemy 4

The enemy of Christ has spent a lot of time making up and teaching false doctrines. Another false doctrine that is still very much alive today is the same one that began the Reformation, the selling of indulgences. The Catholic … Continue reading

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Tricks of the Enemy 3

The enemy of Christ has spent a lot of time making up and teaching false doctrines. Another false doctrine is that the government must license marriage. God created marriage. Only God’s Law governs God’s marriage. If one says that God’s … Continue reading

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