Category Archives: Law of God

Prepping with the Word of God

The Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 teaches us that about half of all the brides, biblical Christians, are not going to be ready for the return of the bridegroom, Christ. Their oil, or wisdom of the bible … Continue reading

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No Two Plans of Salvation

A police officer is about to give you a speeding ticket, but he tears it up. He just gave you a form of Grace. Could he have done that if there was no law about speeding? There are some who … Continue reading

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The Details about Marriage and Divorce

The Word of God in the Hebrew and Greek does not leave one confused or to guess. God’s Law is simple and righteous. This is the what about part I usually leave for people to study out for themselves. The … Continue reading

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Tricks of the Enemy 4

The enemy of Christ has spent a lot of time making up and teaching false doctrines. Another false doctrine that is still very much alive today is the same one that began the Reformation, the selling of indulgences. The Catholic … Continue reading

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Tricks of the Enemy 3

The enemy of Christ has spent a lot of time making up and teaching false doctrines. Another false doctrine is that the government must license marriage. God created marriage. Only God’s Law governs God’s marriage. If one says that God’s … Continue reading

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Tricks of the Enemy 2

The enemy of Christ has spent a lot of time making up and teaching false doctrines. Another false doctrine has come about easily because we have a Matriarchal society today. The world is upside down. God’s Kingdom is Patriarchal. Everything … Continue reading

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Tricks of the Enemy 1

The enemy of Christ has spent a lot of time making up and teaching false doctrines. One of their favorites is the idea that God’s Law is done away. It is the old trick of Balaam. If you remember Balaam … Continue reading

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Study the Scripture for Wisdom

The Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 teaches us that about half of all the brides, biblical Christians, are not going to be ready for the return of the bridegroom, Christ. Their oil, or wisdom of the bible … Continue reading

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No Moses, No Christ.

There are some who teach another false doctrine. Everyone must come to Jesus to be saved, except for the Jews. They have another way to God. Of course that is no where found in scripture. It is pure fantasy of … Continue reading

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Why I don’t Go To Church

I would love to go to church. I could go if I ignored most teaching from the pulpit and classes. Ignoring the false doctrines and just plain incorrect information would make me just as guilty as those who teach them. … Continue reading

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