According to each religion’s writings:
Judaism (Phariseeism) teaches that “even the best of Christians should die” and the Old Testament is for idiots and children. Islam wants to remove body parts, enslave or execute.
Christianity teaches that we should be at peace with all men as much as is possible, Romans 12:18. Christianity also teaches physical separation.
"Come out of her, my people", Revelation 18:4
2 Corinthians 6:17 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate (to set off by boundary), saith the Lord, and touch not (to attach oneself to) the unclean; and I will receive you".
"Live in the world, but not of the world. Don't be conformed to the world." Romans 12:2
Today the only one expected to compromise beliefs is Christianity. None of the other will even consider it. Scripture teaches that we should not either. That is one reason scripture teaches that we live separated from people of other beliefs.