Churches have had no back bone as of late. The political leader whom many Christians distrusted because of something he said, what 20 years ago, has been pushing churches to meet again. He has called them essential. They need to grow some back bone and prove who is the head of their church, Christ or government.
Oh, you have a 501c3 tax status? Why would you ask the government for permission to exist and to promise to only obey them. What is wrong with you?
Perhaps this little bit of persecution will lead some of them to start preaching more truth. They need to stop loving and supporting those who hate Christ.
God will not allow any disease to prosper against His people when they obey Him. Read Deuteronomy 28.
3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”