Bible manuscripts come from two major lines. The Received or Majority text was used for the King James and Geneva Bibles. Over 2500 manuscripts are available. They are complete and in agreement with one another. What has been incorrectly called the “more ancient manuscripts” have been used in almost all newer translations. These manuscripts are ancient because they were incomplete. They were considered to be of little value and ignored until more recent times. The Received text actually has more ancient support than the incomplete manuscripts.
When you see the footnote in your bible, “The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have”, consider that this very subjective statement is untrue. The Hebrew and Greek texts that are used for most all modern Bible versions were produced from two incomplete texts. One of them was found in the trash. The men who compiled them were into the occult throughout their lives. They did not believe in Christ as our sole mediator between God and man. They did not believe in the verbal inspiration of the Hebrew and Greek text. Their regard for the text of Scripture was no different than they would have for any ancient text. Their work is considered standard reference today. Many preachers make use of these not knowing this truth. Regardless of the motivation for those footnotes, they actually destroy faith in the accuracy and continuity of the scripture.
All Bible translations have errors. Some have purposely been translated to support church doctrine or political correctness. While the KJV Bible has many problems itself, it and the Geneva Bible are still basically the only Bibles translated from reliable manuscripts for sale today. Proper use of a concordance and perhaps group study can help with understanding. Ignore long standing commentaries. Realize that the Koine Greek was unknown when the KJV and Strong’s Concordance were written. The truth is found in the Hebrew and Greek Received text.